
Dr. Boone has authored or co-authored over 130 peer-reviewed publications in the field of neuropsychology. Her research has focused on identifying the effects of various psychiatric and neurologic conditions on cognitive function, including depression, psychotic depression, late life psychosis, obsessive-compulsive disorder, klinefelter syndrome, frontotemporal dementia, and muscular dystrophy, as well as the effect of normal aging and ethnicity/ESL status on neuropsychological scores. In addition, she is involved in developing and validating techniques to identify noncredible cognitive performance.


ASSESSMENT OF FEIGNED COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT: A NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE (2nd edition) The go-to resource for clinical and forensic practice has now been significantly revised with 85% new material, reflecting the tremendous growth of the field. Leading authorities synthesize the state of the science on symptom feigning in cognitive testing and present evidence-based recommendations for distinguishing between credible and noncredible performance. A wide range of performance validity tests (PVTs) and symptom validity tests (SVTs) are critically reviewed and guidelines provided for applying them across differing cognitive domains and medical, neurological, and psychiatric conditions. The book also covers validity testing in forensic settings and with particular populations, such as ethnic and linguistic minority group members.


Written by a foremost expert in the field, this hands-on, evidence-based guide describes how to conduct a comprehensive forensic neuropsychological evaluation and provide expert testimony. All steps are covered — from selecting, scoring, and interpreting tests to writing reports and responding to cross- examination — with special attention to assessing noncredible performance.

The book identifies seven common flaws of forensic neuropsychological reports and shows how to avoid them. Excerpts from testimony transcripts illustrate ways neuropsychologists can protect their reports from attack. Also featured are case illustrations and a sample report.


This book provides neuropsychologists with comprehensive information and specific practice recommendations for the assessment of patients with somatoform conditions. The first four chapters discuss the genesis of somatoform and other functional somatic symptom disorders, and the next seven chapters address somatoform conditions in the context of nonepileptic seizures, multiple chemical sensitivity and other claimed toxic exposures, pseudotremor and other nonphysiologic movement disorders, postconcussion syndrome, chronic pain/fibromyalgia/complex regional pain syndrome, attention deficit disorder, and auto-immune disease. Chapters are also included that address the use of the MMPI-2-RF in differentiating somatoform disorder and malingering; medically unexplained symptoms in non-English-speaking individuals; workplace factors in somatization; and testimony involving somatoform conditions. The book is targeted for practicing neuropsychologists, clinical psychologists including those specializing in behavioral medicine, and students in training.

Dr. Boone has also authored or co-authored 2 tests, 46 book chapters, and the following seven books:

  •   Boone, K. B. (Editor) (2021).
    Assessment of Feigned Cognitive Impairment: A Neuropsychological Perspective (2nd edition)
    New York : Guilford Press
  •   Boone, K. B. (Editor.) (2017).
    Neuropsychological evaluation of somatoform and other functional somatic conditions:  Assessment primer.  
    New York:  Taylor and Francis.
  •   Boone, K. B. (2013).
    Clinical Practice of Forensic Neuropsychology: An Evidence-based Approach.
    New York: Guilford Press
  •   Boone, K. B. (Editor) (2007).
    Assessment of Feigned Cognitive Impairment: A Neuropsychological Perspective.
    New York : Guilford Press
  •   Mitrushina, M., Boone, K. B., Razani, J., & D’Elia, L. B. (2005).
    Handbook of Normative Data for Neuropsychological Assessment (2nd edition).
    New York: Oxford University Press.
  •   Mitrushina, M., Boone, K. B., & D’Elia, L. F. (1999).
    Handbook of Normative Data for Neuropsychological Assessment.
    New York: Oxford University Press.
  •   Orsini, D. L., Van Gorp, W., & Boone, K. B. (1988).
    Neuropsychology Casebook.
    New York: Springer-Verlag.