Dr. Boone was a Professor in the California School of Forensic Studies at Alliant International University from 2008 to 2016, and was Director of Neuropsychological Services and Training at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center in Torrance, California, from 1986 to 2008. She was also a Full Professor-In-Residence in the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA until 2008, and continued as Clinical Professor until 2023.
She served on the advisory committee that developed clinical neuropsychology practice standards published in The Clinical Neuropsychologist in 2007. In 2008 she was an invited member of a consensus conference to develop practice standards in the identification of malingering and suspect effort that were published in The Clinical Neuropsychologist in 2009, and she served as co-author on the updated practice standards for use of performance validity tests and determination of neurocognitive performance invalidity published in The Clinical Neuropsychologist in 2021. In 2022 she was lead author on the official position paper on test security for the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology. She was also the lead author on two subsequent position papers endorsed by the Interorganizational Practice Committee (a consortium of several neuropsychological organizations) published in 2024 and which covered the eight reasons why protective orders are not adequately protective of psychological/neuropsychological tests, and why turning over protected test information to attorneys introduces misinformation to the trier-of-fact.
Dr. Boone serves on the editorial boards of The Clinical Neuropsychologist, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, and Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology.